Hi all, sorry for the delay, but raising a baby is hard!
Things have been going well since JW was born, but man it is a tiring exercise. Having to get up every couple of hours to feed, change, burp, and sooth back to sleep certainly takes a toll. After the first couple of weeks he has started to fall into his own routine as well, which sometimes means all the rocking and soothing in the world is not going to get him to sleep.
This being said the best advice I can give you is keep your sense of humor and remember that your partner isnt out to get you. Sometimes those late night feedings get aggrivating and sometimes anger seems to appear out of nowhere. Remember you have an awesome little person to take care of! Also it does get better, at least that's what I am told!
(sorry for the delay/crappy update. It has been difficult to get back into blogging, but i will get there)
Hang in there CW! I hate that I haven't made it down to see you guys and my lame ass excuse is too much HW! Andy gets home this week and we are trying to plan a weekend adventure after the Career Fair!? I hope you guys are enjoying the sunshine this weekend! XOXO ~A