Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How was waking up two of three times a night so much easier a month ago??

Hi all!  So I very much apologize for the delay in postings.  I have just been very busy/in a slightly weird place so the blogs got neglected.  Not only that I have had a sever case of writers block!  I think the best solution is just to write and if its not the greatest writing whatever

So JW has started to pretty regularly sleep through the night (he may wake up once, but the majority of the time he goes right back to sleep.)  This has been one of the greatest things to happen so far!  However I feel like I have lost some of my parenting powers!  let me explain

2 months ago we were waking up every couple of hours on a very regular basis.  At the time it wasn't fun, but it also wasn't the end of the world.  If he got 4 good hours in a row before he woke up, we felt like rockstars!  Now if he wakes up two or three times at night the next day I feel like a zombie!

Its amazing how fast the human body gets used to things.  Once we started doing longer stretches of time with JW asleep our bodies reverted right back to wanting to sleep for longer periods of time.  None of this wakign up every couple hours thing!

Stay positive and just work through the tired!  Remember that a couple months ago 4 hours at a time would have felt like paradise.  Laugh as much as you can and enjoy the little guy!

Again hopefully writing will get better as i update more.