The lab called this morning and told us that MW was above the glucose levels on her first two blood tests during the 3 hr test. What does this mean? Before we go into what it means lets go into how the body works.
Insulin is the hormone central to the metabolization of carbohydrates and fast in the body. In the simplest term Insulin is what metabolizes sugar. Insulin is made in the Pancreas and moved throughout the body to metabolize sugars (glucose) into a storable/usable energy source (glycogen). When pregnant the Pancreas has to produce around 3X the normal amount of insulin due to the other hormones in the body.
MW is just on the borderline of keeping up with her insulin needs. So technically that means she has Gestational Diabetes. So what does this mean?
First off is a trip to the doctors/dietitian. Because her levels are so borderline MW's GD (I am going to shorten it as its a pain to type Gestational Diabetes) can be controlled by diet and exercise. Working with her doctor and dietitian we will be able to put together a diest and exercise program that will keep her sugar at an acceptable level.
GD is not the end of the world! It affects 1-3% of all pregnant woman. This is why the hospital does tests such as this. Now they will be able to keep an eye on MW and make sure that everything goes wonderfully with JW's birth. For those of you who want a little more info on GD here are a couple links.
Thats the nitty gritty of it. I will post more after our trip to the doctors.
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