First of what does this mean?
Endocrinology is the study of the biosynthesis, storage, chemistry and physiological function of hormones with the cells of the endocrine glands and tissues. In essence the endocrinologist deals with the way your hormones act.
A nutritionist is well versed in the ways that food works. This is not only whats a carbohydrate versus whats a fat, but more into the actual way your body interacts with different kinds of food.
Anywho MW got her glucose meter and is now required to test her blood four times a day for the sugar levels. Once right before breakfast and then once two hours after every major meal. All of this information is recorded on a sheet of paper that we will then review with MW's OB/GYN
The nutritionist went over the different ways carb's work and then gave us carb levels to meet at each meal (more so at lunch and dinner, less so for snacks.) This diet is designed to help keep MW's GD under control. Its defiantly a hard transition to no cookies or ice cream. But we will make it!
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