Really issues with money generally go back before a kid was ever in the works. A major issue I have seen is that money issues seem to be routed to one person. In a relationship your spouses money problems/triumphs are your money problems/triumphs. It is unfair to everyone involved if you do not discuss things like this with your spouse and it will come back to bite you in the ass.
That being said the major thing I have noticed about men and pregnancy is that they look for one thing to latch onto, one thing they can call their own. The easiest thing for a guy to take control of is the money. They do not carry or feel the body changes that a woman does, the only things they can take control over are outside of the pregnancy. The problem that is run into is that a woman does have so much to concern her that often she lets money be handled by the guy
EVERYTHING in this process is both of you. The body changes, hormones, crazy mood swings, etc are not your girlfriend or wifes to deal with, they are both of yours to deal with. The same can be said about money. Make sure to keep your significant other in the loop on everything you are thinking and listen to what they say. As my uncle DF says, "Your pregnant, not broken right?"
I know that this is sort of a rambling post, but money is such a difficult topic to address that I have had a very hard time narrowing down. The biggest lesson I can try and get across is do not go out on your own. You are in a relationship, the whole point of that is to work together through everything!
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