Unsolicited advice has been the most annoying/aggravating thing about having a baby. People seem to become a know at all when it comes to children (even if they don't have any, although parents are the worst)
MW and I have had a couple of times where we sit back and say "What?" The best way that we have found to deal with unsolicited advice is pretty simple. Assess what the person has to say and if you don't like it don't worry about it. You aren't going to stop people from giving you advice.
Take what you think is good from this advice and assimilate into your parenting style, everything else throw on the garbage heap. Try not take this advice personally (I should be one to talk) and just move on. You have plenty of things to be upset about and it is easier to just ignore people.
Don't feel pressured or anything like that. It doesn't matter if its a stranger on the street or your own mother (our parents have been good about not giving tons of unwanted advice) You are the parent now. Be confident in what you are doing, discuss with your parent and enjoy your baby!
Bath time is one of the funniest experiences I have ever had (Right)
(below) JW in his high chair, playing with some toys!